Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day

I ABSOLUTELY love Valentine's Day.  The colors of the goodies that line the shelves at the stores make me so GIDDY! :) 

Since Bubba is not in school yet, he doesn't have classmates I can make treats for, so I try to make little goodies for his cousins and friends when there's a holiday or special occasion.   

When Wal-Mart had their After-Christmas Clearance, I picked up several packages of flavored lip balms that were originally $5 for a pack of 6, but marked down to $1.25.  SCORE!  (I'm all about those Clearance tags! :p).  I also snagged some packages of Ring Pops.  The Christmas package came with 4 pops--two of which were marked with Christmas, and two that weren't.  These were marked down to $.25 ...or 4 Ring Pops!  Even though I was only using the two non-Christmas Pops, that's still $.12 per Pop!  Again--SCORE!

So, using some 4x6 clear bags, paper shred, and tags that I created in Photoshop, I came up with these to give to Bubba's friends from Church:

I try to avoid giving candy treats if I'm making them for kids that Tali attends Primary with. (We attend a Tongan-Speaking Ward (or congregation) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Primary is the organization for children from 18 months to 11 years old.)  When I saw the lip balms, I knew that they would be SUPER cute for V-day. 
The tag has the word "UMA!" on it.  "Uma" is the Tongan word (noun and verb) for "kiss."  I thought it would be cuter to put "uma" on there and not something like "pucker up!" since these were going to kids.  The word "Muah!" could work well, too).After making them, my husband pointed out that the younger kids would probably eat the lip balm.  I was worried about that, so instead of giving these out to Bubba's little Sunday School classmates, I gave them to my Young Women class (the auxiliary for teenage girls ages 12 to 17), and some other friends I came across. :(  I was really hoping to give the little kids something, but we'll just have to figure something a little more "kid-friendly" to put in the baggies.  In any case, I still thought it was cute idea. :)    

Treat #2: I used the Ring Pops to make these for Bubba's Primary Teachers.  I saw this online and thought the wording was cuter than anything else I had seen for Ring Pop Valentine's Day goodies so I created one of my own tags.
I hope these two simple treats give you ideas for your own goodies.  What are you making for Valentine's Day? 
~xoxo, V

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